Wednesday 9 July 2008

Sigur Ros - Sigur Ros Inspire By Eurovision

SIGUR ROS have claimed that new single Gobbledigook was inspired by the Eurovision Song Contest.

The Icelandic band have just released the track from their new album 'MED SUD I EYRUM VID SPILUM ENDALAUST - which translates as WITH A BUZZ IN OUR EARS WE PLAY ENDLESSLY.

Speaking to the Sun, frontman Jonsi Birgisson said: "We were in a rented farmhouse, it was a long evening, we watched the whole contest. Afterwards our brains were so fried we had to write Gobbledigook".

He also spoke of the benefits of writing an album much faster than usual: "When you release an album the usual way, you have to wait sometimes more than a year before it is finally released."

"It's always going to be an anti-climax... With this being spontaneous and quick, it was much more exciting."

BJORK recently drummed on the new track at the band's homecoming gig in Reykjavik, reports the NME.

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